Quote of the Day: "Enjoy the little things in life, for you may look back and realize they were the big things"
Tis the Season to be jolly! :D Life is simply wonderful- I honestly have no complaints! Yes, if you hear me complain later on you can quote me on this but as of right now I am perfectly happy and content! Those of you responsible know who you are ;). On Christmas Day we got an early phone call on Skype from my brothers! It is one thing to talk to your missionaries, but it is so much better when you get to see them! Steve started off and it was so great to hear that his humor is still well in tact! And for those of you wondering, Steve is still the hilarious stud we remember him as! Grant called about an hour later with the same huge smile he left with! His enthusiasm could be felt over the Skype connection! Both Steve and Grant are doing well, and have shared amazing experiences that they are having on their missions. I couldn't be more proud of them! I got to talk to my triplet brothers, spend time with family, enjoy the season, and got great gifts! What more could a girl ask for?!?!
On Monday the 27th we left for St. George! It is such a great escape- and it is warm! I packed a bunch of stuff to keep me occupied in my bag, but didn't use any of it because I slept basically the entire drive! This is what college does to people, seriously! Today (Wednesday the 29th) we took my Grandma shopping for her Christmas gift. She always takes us shopping for Christmas and Birthdays, so it was my aunt's idea to take her instead! It was so much fun, and my Grandma is super hip now!
This has been the best Christmas break I could have hoped for! We have created so many memories and have had so many good laughs! I am loving Utah State, loving my family, and truly loving life! Hope you enjoyed my post! I would say talk to you soon, but I can't make any promises ;) I will update my post....sometime! Happy Holidays everybody, and enjoy the remaining days of 2010!
bedroom end tables
4 years ago