Monday- The Family Home Evening activity was dinner at the bishopric homes=free food! My family was meeting at Bishop Cash's home, and I dragged my roommates along with me :). I was under the impression that we were supposed to meet at the apartment at 6:30, but it was actually at 6:00! Realizing this, we all piled into the beast (my suburban) to drive there. We got there when everyone was eating, and quickly got in line to fill our stomachs! On the menu were sloppy joes and ice cream sundaes for dessert! The sloppy joes were the best sloppy joes I have ever had! Delicious! We all had a great time laughing and talking, and it was fun to catch up over free food! After eating, there was a thought and a prayer- then we decided to play Red Rover! I have to admit I was hesitant to participate... The last time I played Red Rover was when I was rather young. When I was called over, I ran as fast as I could and got clothes lined!!!! It hurt so bad! I decided to play and am glad I did- it was so much fun! My roommates and I played football, and got good enough to go pro ;) hahaha.
When we returned to our apartment, we were very hyper and decided to take advantage of it. We have been wanting to make a music video for a long time now, and decided that it was the perfect time to do it! We invited Ben over to film our crazyness, and did many scenes around Merrill Hall to the Kelly Clarkson song, Since You Been Gone. It was so so so much fun! We look so hot in our sunglasses and outfits- a band in the making for sure!
We were heading back to our apartment, when Andrew invited us to play Capture the Flag on the quad to which we quickly agreed! We all got changed into "work out clothes" and joined the group playing. That was the greatest game of capture the flag I have ever played- EVER!!!! I was in charge of guarding the flag, and did a pretty good job of it if I do say so myself! About half way through the game, I really wanted to go to the front line to where the action was, so I did. It wasn't longer than a minute that I was running after someone and pulled a muscle! It hurt so bad! I limped back in shame to my previous spot and continued to play. I guess I am not meant to be in the front huh? :) After the game ended, Ben, Becky, and I walked back Merrill, all of us limping in pain but laughing so hard! It was a perfect end to an epic day!
bedroom end tables
4 years ago
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